Judge Elizabeth Beach is a conservative, tough-on-crime, Tarrant County Felony Prosecutor. For decades, she has been putting our area’s most horrific criminals in prison. Judge Beach was the first Texas prosecutor to successfully use DNA criminal evidence resulting in a life sentence for a rapist. As a lead prosecutor, Beach never lost in 35 cases against child molesters and has only lost one felony jury trial. Judge Beach graduated from University of Texas School of Law and is a nationally recognized legal scholar. She has appeared on ABC’s “20/20” and for the past two decades has taught Criminal Justice at TCU. Elizabeth and her husband Andy live in Tarrant County, where they raised their two children. They’re active at McKinney Memorial Bible Church, where Judge Beach teaches Bible classes. Judge Beach has the experience and conservative values we need.

Paid for by Elizabeth Beach for Judge Campaign, David Cason, Treasurer • In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act